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40가지 Latte Art

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40가지 Latte Art

1980년대 부터 시작된 Latte Art,

요즘은 꼭 전문가를 찾아가지 않아도 커피숍에서 라테를 주문하면 쉽게 라테아트를 만날 수 있습니다.

때론 너무 예쁘게 만들어줘 예쁜 모양을 망칠까 마시기 망설일때도 있습니다. 🙂

아래 40가지 라테 아트를 보면서 잠시 휴식을 취해 보세요.

3 Oz Hot Chocolate.?(Image Source:?ericagisme)

3 oz hot chocolate Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

A Cup For Winter Morning.?(Image Source:?PoYang)

a cup for winter morning Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

A Cup Of Fire-Breathing Dragon.?(Image Source:?jrobblee)

a cup of fire breathing dragon Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Andrew’s Cap.?(Image Source:?dogmilque)

andrews cap Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Art Of Hotchoc.?(Image Source:?jibbilittle)

art of hotchoc Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Bakery Bar Hot Cocoa.?(Image Source:?pdxhipsterdoofus)

bakery bar hot cocoa Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Bang Fo’ Yo’ Buck! (Image Source:?nicely85)

bang fo yo buck Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cafe Mocha.?(Image Source:?LuisMacalinao)

cafe mocha Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cappuccino And A Cookie.?(Image Source:?Premshree Pillai)

cappuccino and a cookie Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cappuccino At Intelligentsia Coffee.?(Image Source:?R. E.)

cappuccino at intelligentsia coffee Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cappuccino & Post.?(Image Source:?Raphael Borja)

cappuccino and post Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cute Bear.?(Image Source:?okayama)

cute bear Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Epicenter Friday: Cappuccino.?(Image Source:?Premshree Pillai)

epicenter friday cappuccino Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Espresso Macchiato.?(Image Source:?Arancia Project)

espresso macchiato Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Etching.?(Image Source:?Lameen)

etching Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Flat White.?(Image Source:?Lameen)

flat white Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Floral Display.?(Image Source:?JTeale)

floral display Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Four Barrel Mon: Cappuccino.?(Image Source:?Premshree Pillai)

four barrel mon cappuccino Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Art At Cafe.?(Image Source:?tom.glanz)

latte art at cafe Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Art Butterfly.?(Image Source:?meirzafri)

latte art butterfly Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Art: Kiki.?(Image Source:?dola_dola)

latte art kiki Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte And Plants.?(Image Source:?Anders Madsen)

latte and plants Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Bear.?(Image Source:?Nekousa)

latte bear Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Flower.?(Image Source:?thevoyager)

latte flower Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte In The Dark.?(Image Source:?Junojuno2010)

latte in the dark Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Love Latte.?(Image Source:?PoYang)

love latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Lovely Pour.?(Image Source:?Premshree Pillai)

lovely pour Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Meow.?(Image Source:?Nekousa)

meow Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Moka Tulip.?(Image Source:?LATTEGARCIA)

moka tulip Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

On The Grass.?(Image Source:?PoYang)

on the grass Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Pity Bear.?(Image Source:?MiKA FOTO)

pity bear Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Ripe Cake And Cappuccino.?(Image Source:?Premshree Pillai)

ripe cake and cappuccino Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Rosetta.?(Image Source:?pieeetr)

rosetta Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Simple.?(Image Source:?Kuba Bo?anowski)

simple Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Smiling Sun.?(Image Source:?okayama)

smiling sun Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Sunshine Latte! (Image Source:?Premshree Pillai)

sunshine latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Tierra Mia Coffee: Latte.?(Image Source:?R. E.)

tierra mia coffee latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Today’s Latte.?(Image Source:?shomagi)

todays latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Warm Latte.?(Image Source:?Michelia Kramer)

warm latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Wood Latte Art.?(Image Source:?baristang)

wood latte art Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples


Photo by yoppy